Xiaolin Chou, PhD


Postdoc Fellow
Dept. of Biology, University of Toronto

Xiaolin received his bachelor's degree in biological sciences from Fudan university in China, where he studied visual adaptation in cats’ primary visual cortex. He earned his Phd at University of Southern California in 2020, where he worked with Dr. Huizhong W. Tao & Dr. Li I Zhang to investigate the neural circuitry for the control and modulation of defensive behaviors, as well as the influence of behavioral states on visual and auditory cortical processing.

He continued to study neuroscience out of his passion to understand both the complexity and beauty of brain circuitry. Since joining the Liu lab, he has focused on combining circuit tracing and manipulation and in-vivo electrophysiological recordings to dissect the functional organization of NOT-DTN circuit as well as the mechanisms underlying the regulation and plasticity of visual processing and visually guided behaviors.


Phone: (905) 828-3751

Email: xiaolin.chou@utoronto.ca